Providence Canyon

We are still heading out on regular daytrips to learn about our "backyard" around South Georgia, but back in the fall we took a trip that is worth mentioning now for anyone looking for a fun, but more adventurous outing with small kids!

Back in the fall, we daytripped over to Providence Canyon in Lumpkin, Georgia, to wrap up a project that Will was doing for his class. We stopped there several years ago, but the boys didn't remember and this time we hiked down to the canyon floor. If you have the time, it is well worth the trip! It's amazing

Known to locals as the "Little Grand Canyon," Providence Canyon is a great display of our influence on the land (it's the result of poor farming practices). You'll find lots of foliage and wildlife. It's a pretty easy hike down and back and was a great way to spend a day!


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